J.O.D.A. Juvenile Offenders Detention Alternatives in Europe Expected results

Expected results

The main expected result is the promotion of know-how, knowledge and good practices on detention alternatives in Europe addressed to youth offenders. Other expected results:

  • To enhance of cooperation among public and private stakeholders operating in the field.
  • To enhance the use of detention alternatives in European member states.
  • To promote the horizontal and vertical dissemination and mainstreaming of good practices.
  • To strengthen national and European networks to Impact both on policies and practices through dissemination of identified good practices to enhance already existing measures to promote and develop coordination, cooperation and mutual understanding on faced topic among key actors.
  • To organize and develop and ad hoc exchange pathway dedicated to stakeholders and professionals.
  • To draft a final toolkit composed by:
    1. Manual of good practices.
    2. Online training course.


Funded by the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union