Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in the counter-terrorism context Expected results

Expected Results

  •  Identified and mapped-out policy responses, as well as promising experiences carried out by EUMS in the handling of the terrorist threat, preventing radicalisation and implementing de-radicalisation strategies.
  •  Promotion of a regional dialogue and knowledge sharing within policy-makers and practitioners.
  •  Improvement of national criminal policies and programmes in juvenile justice systems and more efficient judicial counter-terrorism policies directed at juvenile suspects.
  •  Improvement of the capacities and the knowledge of juvenile justice professionals to face extremist phenomena and implement effective responses.
  •  Improvement and tailor-made programming to risk factors and individual circumstances of radicalised or at risk boys, girls and juveniles.
  •  Promotion of evidence-based policy-making and of specialisation in the design and implementation of new policies and programming on counter-terrorism and radicalisation.
  •  Enhancement of social integration and reinsertion of radicalised juveniles.


Co-funded by the Justuce Programme of the European Union

The website section for this project was funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020). The contents of it are the sole responsibility of the “Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in the counter-terrorism context” project partners, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.