
From its foundation, research has been one of the principle areas of action of the Observatory, which has coordinated and participated in multiple studies and projects at both national and international level.

Among them, it is worth highlighting those related to the rights of children involved in criminal proceedings, child-friendly justice, restorative justice, diversion measures, specialisation of justice professionals, prevention of radicalisation and of recidivism, and reintegration into society.

All research projects


Improving Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe
Prevention of juvenile radicalisation
Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in the counter-terrorism context
Implementing Restorative Justice with Child Victims
Child Friendly JT
FACT FOR MINORS - Fostering Alternative Care for Troubled Minors
ProCam - Procedural Rights Observed by the Camera
MIPREDET Analysis of procedures and conditions on minors' pre-trial detention
European Research on Restorative Juvenile Justice
Strenghtening Human Rights in Correctional Facilities in Kenya
Listen to the child
Alternatives to Custody for Young Offenders
Keeping Youth Away from Crime
J.O.D.A. Juvenile Offenders Detention Alternatives in Europe
Net for U