National Youth Justice Conference 2023


Children and Young People's Centre for Justice is delighted to be hosting the 2023 National Youth Justice Conference, delivered in partnership with The Scottish Government and the National Youth Justice Advisory Group. Taking place at the Stirling Court Hotel on the 14th & 15th of June the theme of the conference is the Children’s Care and Justice Bill, currently under deliberation in the Scottish Parliament.

The Children (Care and Justice) (Scotland) Bill (known as the Children’s Care and Justice Bill) is a landmark piece of legislation in terms of youth justice in Scotland. Building on the legacy of the Kilbrandon report it marks a real step forward in Scotland’s journey towards adopting a rights-respecting approach to children and young people in conflict with the law. It sets out to mitigate some of the structural iniquities within current legal provision and its implications are both profound and wide-reaching. Across a range of keynote speeches, lightning talks, workshops and panel discussions we will explore children’s rights and some of the changes that this bill seeks to introduce.

Speakers include:

Keith Brown MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans
Val De Souza, Chair of Scotland’s National Bairns’ Hoose Governance Group
Sheriff David Mackie reporting on the Children’s Hearings System Working Group
Neil Hunter, Principal Reporter & Chief Executive, SCRA
Chief Superintendent Gordon McCreadie, Police Scotland
Ben Farrugia, Director, Social Work Scotland
Juliet Harris, Director, Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)
Kate Wallace, Chief Executive, Victim Support Scotland
Kate Crowe, Churchill Fellow, Australia
James Docherty, Community Justice Scotland
Stephen McVey, Service Manager, Glasgow City HSCP
Peter Orr, Service Manager, Glasgow City HSCP
Gordon Main, Our Hearings, Our Voice
The Children & Young People’s Commissioner Scotland

Tipo de evento
United Kingdom
Children and Young People's Centre for Justice
Tipo de organización
University Institutes