Seminar: “Children, anonymity and sentencing”

The National Association for Youth Justice and the Youth Practitioners’ Association are pleased to announce a half-day seminar  

“Children, anonymity and sentencing”

Doughty Street Chambers, London 2pm to 5pm, 8th February 2024

Speakers include:

· The Hon. Mrs Justice May DBE, High Court of England and Wales & Judicial Lead on Youth Justice

· Edward Fitzgerald KC, Doughty Street Chambers

· Maryam Mir, Doughty Street Chambers

· Laura O’Brien, Hodge Jones and Allen Solicitors and YPA

· Mel Stooks, GT Stewart Solicitors and YPA

· Leah Connolly, Sonn Macmillan Walker and YPA

· Laura Janes, GT Stewart Solicitors, YPA & NAYJ

· Pam Hibbert OBE

This event will celebrate of the life and work of Issy Forshall, leading counsel in the 2023 case of ZA which outlines the correct approach to sentencing children. You can read more about Issy here:


£50 per person (unless you are a member of NAYJ or YPA)

The seminar is *free* to members of the NAYJ and members of the Youth Practitioners’ Association. If you are a member of NAYJ or YPA please select the relevant ticket option. If you select a member ticket and you are not a member of the organisation, your ticket will be cancelled and you will be asked to pay a full price non-member ticket or join the relevant organisation.

United Kingdom
The National Association for Youth Justice and the Youth Practitioners’ Association
Tipo de organización
Contact info
Doughty Street Chambers, London