J.O.D.A. Juvenile Offenders Detention Alternatives in Europe Manual

Alternatives to Detention for Juvenile Offenders: Manual of good practices in Europe

This publication is the result of the European project J.O.D.A. - Juvenile Offenders Detention Alternative in Europe (JUST/2013/JPEN/AG/4573) led by Istituto Don Calabria and carried out in partnership with the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (Belgium), Kesa-CPE (Estonia), Fundación Diagrama (Spain), Include Youth (Northern Ireland) and Defence for Children (Netherlands).

The actual manual is based on the work and national report and products of each partner and is conceived as a support instrument for the online training course Alternatives to Detention for Young Offenders, available on the IJJO’s International School of Juvenile Justice.

Both the manual and the online course have been introduced to the European Council of Juvenile Justice (ECJJ), an IJJO think-tank composed by academics, professors and institutes, NGO representatives; public administrations and Ombudsmen, Justice and Police representatives.

The IIJO would like to thank all the professionals who have contributed to this publication and provided inputs and insights at European and national level as experts on the ground concerning children and young people in situations of social exclusion. All of them have shared their knowledge and expertise generously with us.



Funded by the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union