Microsite AWAY
- 5 national research reports and one synthetic report on the factors hindering the better and more frequent use of diversion and child-friendly justice practices, as well as a good practice collection.
- Research synthesis report
- A specialised online platform on juvenile justice.
- Children’s corner on ChildHub that reflects the inputs, opinions and views of children and for children.
- 10 Child Advisory Group meetings.
- 1 practical guide on child participatory good practice.
- A self-directed online course on diversion and alternative sentencing available and adapted in 6 languages and hosted both on ChildHub and IJJO’s learning platform.
- At least 1 forum discussion of participating professionals on ChildHub.
- 4 webinars related and integral part of the capacity building program on diversion.
- At least 5 e-Newsletters, in four languages, reporting and promoting project results and other useful resources related to juvenile justice.
- 1 public campaign in five countries reaching 5,000 members of the public.
- 2 regional advocacy events addressing policy and decision-makers