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Save the Children Romania (Salvati Copiii) is a national non-governmental organization, established in April 1990, which works for promoting, defending and monitoring children’s rights as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Save the Children Romania carries out programs within its 13 local branches and it is mainly based on the volunteer activity of its 6,000 members who actively support it. Its programs are address to all children, but with a special focuses on the most vulnerable groups of children, such as working street children, institutionalized children, HIV/AIDS children, abused and neglected children, unaccompanied children or Roma children. It is also a member of Save the Children International, the world's leading independent organisation for children, made of 30 member organizations, working to deliver change for children in 120 countries.
Save the Children Spain is a member of Save the Children International, the world's leading independent organisation for children working to deliver change for children in 120 countries. Save the Children Spain manages programmes both at national and international level and advocates for meaningful changes in the lives of children and the full respect of their rights. At international level, programmes are focused mainly on child protection, both in developing countries and in emergency situations, working in partnership with other organisations at local level. In Spain, Save the Children has been working for more than 20 years with programs serving the most vulnerable children, focusing on children at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Through our domestic programs, we provide comprehensive support to children and their families so that their financial situation or social exclusion does not prevent them from enjoying their full rights and from achieving their full potential.
Anglia Ruskin University (the United Kingdom) was awarded university status in 1992. Today, with a student population of 31,000, it is one of the largest universities in the East of England, and a large provider of part-time education. Anglia Ruskin University students are on courses leading to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, as well as to a range of professional qualifications. In addition to being one of the most significant suppliers of nurses and teachers to the professions, Anglia Ruskin University offers an ever expanding range of contemporary courses designed to meet the needs of the individual and the requirements of a knowledge-based economy. The main campuses at Cambridge and Chelmsford attract students not only from the East of England but in increasing numbers from mainland Europe and from further afield. In addition, our Anglia Ruskin University has an extensive network of contacts with institutions throughout the world, delivering courses in countries as far removed as Malaysia and Trinidad.
Cooperativa sociale San Saturnino onlus (SANSAT) is a non-profit organisation, founded in Rome, Italy, in 1980, as a voluntary association which managed the first ‘family house’ for elderly people, in cooperation with the local authorities. In 1989, the association turned into a multi-purpose cooperative, focused on the management of social services. Today, the Social Cooperative San Saturnino Onlus works in 4 main areas: Elderly people (day centre, home care); Children & Young people (socialisation, training, peer-education, prevention); Disadvantaged people; and Research, Training and Innovative Projects. The Social Cooperative San Saturnino Onlus provides different interventions for categories at risk, through an ‘Information and Guidance Centre’ and an ‘Educational Community’ for single mothers with children. SANSAT aims to improve the quality of life of each beneficiary; stimulate social solidarity, non-discrimination and acceptance of the differences; support disadvantaged people and high-risk groups; facilitate access to information about rights, services and social resources.
Artesis Plantijn University College – AP – was created in 2013, through the merger of Plantijn University College and Artesis University College, from Belgium, Flanders. AP’s 9000 students, 23 vocational educations and 8 art programmes are clustered into 4 faculties (Health and Social Care, Management and Communication, Education and Training, and Science and Technology) and 2 schools of arts. Even though AP University College is very young, its schools of arts have a long history: the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp was founded in 1898, and the Royal Academy of Fine arts is 350 years old. AP is characterised by its unity in diversity. It is a university college in which different faculties are not limited by their fields of study and expertise, a university college with a focus on interdisciplinary networks and transfers, a university college offering everyone, staff and students, the opportunity to grow and develop their talents.
International Juvenile Justice Observatory – IJJO – is an international public utility foundation, based in Brussels (Belgium), which, since its creation in 2002, has developed an international network of over 7000 experts and collaborators from 120 countries. OIJJ’s objective is to create a permanent international service which acts as a meeting, work and reflection space for professionals from the juvenile justice field, from all over the world, as well as for other stakeholders concerned by the situation of young people at risk of social exclusion and reclusion. The work done by the IJJO is based on an international and interdisciplinary vision of juvenile justice, aiming to create a future for children, by stimulating the international development of appropriate policies, legislation and intervention methods within the context of global juvenile justice without borders. The IJJO created the European Council for Juvenile Justice with representatives from each EU Member State.
Cambridgeshire County Council (UK): higher tier local government and local authority with responsibility for education, social care, transport and environment. Cambridgeshire County Council is a statutory provider of youth offending services for young people involved in the criminal justice system up to the age of 18, as well as a provider of social care and an advocate of child's rights through statutory services including child protection and provision for services for children in public care. The Youth Offending Service of Cambridgeshire County Council is an associate partner of the project which supports Anglia Ruskin University to implement the project's activities at a local level.