Microsite Keeping Youth Away from Crime
The overall goal was to find, identify and apply the best European practices in work with the children from risk groups, thus improving the welfare and social inclusion of the children, reducing risks for crime and rejection, and creating a safer environment for successful child development within Europe.
- To promote intense exchange of information and networking among the specialists of children’s affairs in Europe;
- To develop a common understanding among the specialists of children’s affairs on the implementation of the rights and values recognised in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights;
- To find and implement practical, innovative and inclusive approaches in order to prevent children contiguity with crime, including methods for the work with at-risk children in rural areas;
- To enhance the understanding of European law enforcement within agencies, specialists, mass media, NGOs, social services, educational institutions and other specialists working in the field of children’s affairs, on the benefits when using not punitive but inclusive Juvenile Justice approach (the term “Juvenile Justice” is used in a broad sense, and is defined according to the Council of Europe’s Recommendation Rec (2003) 20 concerning new ways of dealing with youth).